Client Portal FAQs
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You can ask your client Transaction Questions or Non-Transaction Questions to put questions in their portal, and then you can email them manually to notify them about these questions, or you can set up automated email reminders to send them automatic follow-up email reminders about unanswered questions.
Also be sure to check out the Communicating with your clients section of our getting started guide to learn more about how the entire flow works!

You can see all the questions you've asked your client by going to that client's close page and going to the Client Questions section.

You have three options for setting up notifications if your clients respond in the portal:
First, you can add users in your organization to be notified in a client's close page. Go to the Client Portal, then go to Notification Settings, then add the users you want to be notified when the client responds.
Second, you can manage your own notifications by in your User Settings by clicking your user icon (your initials in a colored circle) in the top right-hand corner. From here, click Client Questions, then add the clients you wish to be notified about, and click Save.
Third, if you are an admin, you can click the Practice Settings (⚙️ icon) then click All Client settings, and choose the users that should be notified for each client.
By default, Keeper will send you a once-daily summary of all the clients who have answered your questions in the previous day.
To receive notifications as soon as your client responds, go to your User Settings (the button with your initials in the top right-hand corner), click Client Questions, then check Enable instant notifications.

No – clients are not notified when you ask a transaction question. That way, you can prepare the list of questions you want to ask, and then send them a notification about all of them at once.
When you're ready, you can send manual emails notifying your clients about new questions in their portal, or set up reminders to automatically email your clients on a certain day. For more on notifying your clients, check out: Notifying your client / reminders.
If you have not yet asked a question, you can delete it by clicking Edit Question and then Delete

You can also hide an answered question from the client portal by marking the transaction as resolved.
- You can do this by clicking the box on the right-hand side of the row.
- This will hide the transaction from your client's portal, so they'll only see the list of open transactions you still need their input on.

If I have multiple assignees for one client, how can I reassign the question from one contact to the other?
If you have enabled Assignable Questions, sometimes one contact may tell you to ask the other contact. To handle this, ask a follow-up question that will add to the thread asking the other contact for more information. Then, switch the assignee from the first contact to the second, and it will show up in the second contact's Portal.

From within Keeper, you can see what the clients will see in their Client Portal by clicking the Preview button from the Client Portal Tab.

Most commonly, this happens if Assignable Questions are enabled. If that's the case, you need to assign questions to particular contacts for your contact to see them. If this is why, you'll see a warning that looks like this:

Also, if your clients have already answered their questions, they get moved to the Answered tab in their Portal. If you want to move them back to unanswered. Ask a Follow-Up Question if you want to move that question back to Unanswered.

Lastly, if the question is marked as resolved, you'll need to re-open it for your clients to see that in their portal.
If you answer a question that your client asks you, they will not automatically be notified. Instead, when you're ready, you can use the We responded button in the Client Questions section to tell them about it.
This will open up the email editor and pre-fill a template email that you can send to them through Keeper.

If you have published financials into the Client Portal, you can see all published reports from the Reporting Page by clicking Publish,then, Manage Published Financials.

You can also see the reports in your contact's Preview Mode by clicking the Preview button next to that contact's name on the Client Portal tab of the close.
Make sure you have enabled Financial Access so your clients can see your published financials.