Task Management

Client List


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The Client List is typically the first page you will see when you log into Keeper. This list shows you all of your clients and your progress on each of their closes. You can also see high-level stats on your open Client Questions, and whether any of them have been answered.

From any close, you can get back to the client list by clicking the Back to All Clients button.

You can also filter this list to show clients with particular properties.

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Historical Closes

If you want to see or start an older close, you can click the arrow in the circle to the left of the client's name. This will let you see all older closes as well as start closes from older periods.

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For example, if you wanted to do a 2020 cleanup, you could click Add Previous Month End Close, choose December 2020, and that would create a December close. In that close, you can run all the reports contextualized to that date range.

For more info on cleanups, see our best practices guide on them here: Cleanups.


To filter your client list, click the filter button next to the Client Name search box.

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Peek & Pop

If you click into any cell on the Client List, you can see all of the tasks in that section.

Client Properties and Saved Views

You can add Client Properties to your Client List to give you more information about your clients. For example, you can have a checkbox property for VIP so you can filter to show only your VIP clients.

You can even save these views for easy access later and share them so your whole team can have access.


If you have Close Statuses enabled, you can view your closes on a Kanban board to get a more visual sense of the status of each client's close.

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