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Keeper is a great tool for cleanups, but there’s a few things to know to make sure you get the most out of it for your cleanup and catch-up work.
One important piece to understand is the way Keeper fetches transaction data. For performance reasons, Keeper pulls the last 12 months of transaction data for a given close. So if you are in a client’s June 2021 close, Keeper will pull data from July 2020 - June 2021.
As a result, you won’t be able to see all transactions for all time in every report.
For single year catch-ups (i.e., no work in the prior year), you can do that all in one close, since all File Review reports can be run on a year-to-date basis.

For multi-year cleanups, we recommend creating one December close for each year you are cleaning up. For example, if you are doing a cleanup for 2019 - 2021, we recommend creating:
- A December 2019 close
- A December 2020 close
- the latest close in the current year (November 2021 as of this writing)
That way, you can see all 2019 transactions in the December 2019 close, all 2020 transactions in the December 2020 close, and all 2021 tranasactions in the latest close in the current year.
Read more on how to start and navigate to closes for prior periods here: Starting and Accessing older closes.
Heads up! If you have added a client as a non-QBO client that you plan to convert them to QBO, do not add prior-year closes until you have converted them.
When you create an older close in Keeper, we copy the tasks for that older close from the latest close, and we only update the latest close when you integrate a client's QuickBooks file.
One more important thing to note is that the Client Portal is not broken up per close. So if you ask your client a question from any close, they'll all show up in the same place in the Client Portal. So your clients can see and answer all questions in one place.
However, to see your client's response to a coding question about a 2019 transaction, you'll need to go back to the December 2019 close that would include that transaction.
If you have an open question in a transaction that you can only see in a prior close, you'll see a warning about that that looks like this.