Client Portal
Asking Questions

Transaction Questions


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Transaction Questions are any question you have about a transaction. This could be anything from how to classify a transaction, to whether something is a business or personal expense, to needing them to upload a receipt.

Asking questions

You can add a question to any transaction from any report in Keeper.

To add a question, click the Ask Client button, type your question, then click Ask Client again, and your question will be added to a list that your client can see in their The Client Portal.

Bulk asking questions

You can also bulk-add transaction questions by selecting the box on the left-hand side of the transaction and typing the question you want to bulk add:

If you bulk ask a question to a transaction that already has an existing question, it will overwrite the original question.

Resolving answered questions

Once your clients have answered your questions, you can see all questions and answers in the Transaction Questions report within the Client Questions section.

From here, you can directly reclassify the transaction to a new account, add a payee, add a class, or however you need to handle this transaction.

Once you've resolved your question, make sure to mark the transaction as Resolved by clicking the checkbox next to your client's feedback. This will hide the transaction from your report in Keeper and from your client's portal, so they'll only see the list of open transactions you still need their input on.

You can always see any resolved transaction questions by clicking the Resolved button on this report.

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Adding your client's response to the memo in QuickBooks

If you want to store your client's response in QuickBooks, you can add it to the memo by clicking their answer and clicking the Add to Memo button.

You can also do this in bulk by opening the bulk editor, going to Set Description, and clicking Bulk add client responses.

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When you click Add to memo it adds //Comment// [The Client's Response] - this is a way of separating the client's answer from what is commonly the statement descriptor from the bank. 

Follow-up questions

Sometimes when you ask a client a question, they don't give you enough information to complete your work. If that happens, you can ask a follow-up question in Keeper.

To ask a follow-up question, click your client's answer, then click Respond, and type your follow-up question. This will create a thread and mark the question as unanswered so your client knows to respond.

Deleted transactions

If you delete a transaction in QBO (e.g., to reclassify it in the bank feed), and you have asked about that question in Keeper, it will now show up tagged as Deleted.

Because that transaction has been deleted from QuickBooks, it is no longer editable in Keeper.

Any transaction you see as deleted should be marked as resolved. Once it is resolved, the question will be hidden from the Client Portal.

Template Questions

Template questions allow you to create a library of questions you commonly ask your clients. You can apply a Template Question anywhere you ask transaction questions. You can update your list of Template Questions in your Templates on the Client List.


Do my clients get emails when I ask a transaction question?

No – clients are not notified when you ask a transaction question. That way, you can prepare the list of questions you want to ask, and then send them a notification about all of them at once.

When you're ready, you can send manual emails notifying your clients about new questions in their portal, or set up reminders to automatically email your clients on a certain day. For more on notifying your clients, check out: Notifying your client / reminders.

What does the warning about questions not in this close mean?

You may see a warning on your Transaction Questions report telling you that there are questions not in the current close.

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For performance reasons, Keeper only pulls the latest 12 months of transactions in a given close. So if you are in the March 2022 close, Keeper will fetch data going back to April 2021.

As a result, if you have questions about transactions that predate April 2021, you will not see those transactions in this report, and you will need to go back to an older close to see them.

For more on going to an older close, see: How can I see older closes or closes I have already completed?